Lionel Primary School
Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.
If you think your child qualifies for Pupil Premium, please follow the link below to Hounslow Council website and complete the form. Once the form has been processed the Council will inform the school if the application has been successful.
Pupil Premium is funding given to all schools to address inequalities and enable support to reach the pupils who need it the most. Individual schools decide how the Pupil Premium should be spent as they understand how best to determine the appropriate provision for their individual pupils. At Lionel Primary School we believe that no child should be disadvantaged as a result of their background and that all are entitled to the highest quality of education.
We ensure that the learning needs of all pupils are met through high quality teaching and learning in the classroom and beyond. Where appropriate it may involve intervention groups of children and individual pupils.
Throughout the year the progress and attainment of all pupils is monitored and where we identify that a pupil may be at risk of underachievement, targeted intervention programmes are put in place.
We understand that not all pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium are socially disadvantaged and that not all disadvantaged pupils are registered for Pupil Premium.
Pupil Premium funding may be allocated to classes, groups or individuals where the school has identified a need. Not all pupils who receive Pupil Premium will be receiving support at any one time.
We have identified the following barriers to the achievement of our pupils:
Low attendance and poor punctuality
Limited access to books outside of school
Limited access to extra-curricular activities
Specific learning needs
Social and emotional well-being needs.
Our next Pupil Premium strategy review will take place in July 2024.