Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Lionel Primary School

Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.

Year 6


Today was our last full day - we can't believe how quickly the week has flown by! The kids faced some big challenges today such as the high ropes and an activity called quick drop (they'll be able to explain what this is!)


Tonight is disco night!!


Tomorrows arrangemments:

As mentioned yesterday, we are aiming to be back at Lionel for 3pm tomorrow. You can collect your child from the Junior Hall.


See you tomorrow!

The Year 6 Residential Team



And all of a sudden, we're over halfway through the week! The time has flown by. Like yesterday and Monday, today has been an action-packed day. We've been so proud of all the children as they have tried everything and are doing activities that they never thought they'd be able to do. We had time for a 'little' water fight too!


This evening is campfire night which the children will love.


Tomorrow evening will be the last update on the Year 6 page on the website. Remember that we will be back to school at 3pm on Friday. Please come and collect your child from the Junior Hall. They can leave school straight away with you.


Have a lovely evening,

The Year 6 Residential Team



Good evening everyone. We've had another fantastic day today as can be seen from all of the happy faces in the pictures below!


All of the groups have done 4 activities so far today. We're having dinner at the moment and then the kids can choose between a 5th activity this evening, or watching the England football match! We're all having such an amazing time and the weather is just beautiful - there have been a fair few 'water fights' so far! 


We'll update you tomorrow at a simliar time.


Have a lovely evening,

The Year 6 Residential Team 



We've arrived safe and sound and have had a brilliant first day at PACCAR. After finding out their rooms and activity groups, the kids had a tour of the site. Once lunch was done, we went straight into activities. The kids did two of the following activiites depending on the group they are in: crate stacking, pedal karting, blindfold walking, team building and climbing.


The weather has been beautiful and the kids have loved every minute so far. We've just finished dinner and tonight we are all taking part in a 'run around quiz' which we're sure will be entertaining!


We'll update you tomorrow at a similar time.


Have a lovely evening,

The Year 6 Residential Team




Welcome to Year 6!

Year Six Staff - 2023/24

Mr Heaton (Sycamore Class Teacher and Head of Year 6)

Miss Nicholls (Maple Class Teacher)

Miss Williamson (Oak Class Teacher)


Learning Support Staff
Ms Barry and Mrs Guemri


If you have any questions, please e-mail us at:



Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Year 6!



Please see our Curriculum Grid below for a full breakdown of what we are doing in each subject.



Homework will be set via Google Classroom again this year. Your child will be given access to their new Google Classroom Page over the summer and we will spend time in class during the first week to ensure that all children can log-in correctly. Please let us know if your child cannot access Google Classroom at home. Below is an explanation of how homework is set in Year 6:

Reading - We aspire for each child to read at home for at least 20 minutes every day and bring in their signed Reading Records. The expectation is that their reading record will be signed at least 3 times per week.

Keywords Spelling - Children will receive personalised spellings to learn each Monday. They will be tested that same week on Thursday in class. This homework will be on a worksheet rather than on Google Classroom.

Pattern Spelling and MathsThese will be set on Friday via Google Classroom. The work will be due in by Wednesday before school starts so that it can be marked by staff. If Homework is not completed, pupils will be required to complete it during their lunchtime in the classroom. 

Please see the Curriculum Meeting PPT Slides at the top of this page for more information regarding Homework.


Year 6 Residential Trip 2024

We are excited to inform you that our Residential Trip has been booked! We'll be going on Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June 2024. As usual, we will be going to Paccar Scout Camp located in Chalfont-St-Peter. The site is absolutely fantastic and we know the pupils will love the week!


A Year 6 Residential Parents Meeting will be arranged very early in the new term to provide you with all of the key information. 



At Lionel, we know that children who read for pleasure will do well at school and beyond. We foster a love of reading through our enthusiastic reading culture. In each of the Year 6 classes, we have well-stocked reading areas with a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books. In addition, children will be able to access and take books from the brand-new school library. We will encourage your child to select and change their books regularly.


Your child's class teacher will read aloud daily to the class from a well-chosen and well-loved book. Why not share a book with them at home too? If you'd like some suggestions of what to read, please look under the Reading for Pleasure tab on this website.


Developing an independent daily reading habit is equally vital to becoming a lifelong lover of books; we aspire for each child to read at home for at least 20 minutes every day and bring in their signed Reading Records. The expectation is that their reading record will be signed at least 3 times per week. Please help your child to develop and maintain this habit.



Children have PE on the following days:

Maple Class               Monday and Wednesday

Oak Class                   Tuesday and Friday

Sycamore Class         Tuesday and Wednesday


Please note, children should come to school in their PE kit on their PE days. They will remain in their kit for the entire day.



As the oldest children in the school, we expect Year 6 children to set the standard for the rest of the school and always look smart in the correct school uniform. Please see the School website for information on the uniform requirements.


Please note that for PE, children are also required to wear School PE kit, which again is listed on the School website. If they wish to wear tracksuit bottoms, these must be plain navy blue; likewise, if they wear a jumper for PE, it should be their school sweatshirt or cardigan. Please ensure your child wears the correct PE kit on his/her PE days.


Parents and Carers

We are looking forward to meeting you early in the new term. We can be contacted via the Year 6 e-mail: We will endeavour to reply to all e-mails within 24 hours during the times of 8am to 6pm. If there is anything urgent, please contact the School office.


Collecting Children

Please note, we can only dismiss your child on their own at the end of the School day if we have received a permission slip from you (in the Forms section of ParentMail). If you would like your child to collect a sibling from another class, could you inform the sibling’s class teacher that your Year 6 child will be collecting him/her.


Please do not hesitate to contact us (via e-mail - should you require any further information. 


With your support, we know this will be a fantastic first term in Year 6 for your children!


Best wishes,

The Year 6 Team


Mr Heaton – Sycamore Class and Head of Year 6

Miss Williamson – Oak Class

Miss Nicholls – Maple Class

Ms Barry – Year 6 LSA

Mrs Guemri – Year 6 LSA


As part of our work on Remembrance Day this Year, our Year 5 & 6 took part in a special assembly.  This inspired one of our Year 6 pupils, Amaira, to write this poem:


Amaira's Poem

Remembrance Day is a special day

It's a day where you sit and pray


So, sit back join the silence,

Take the time to think about violence


Soldiers fight for us and die,

Just so that we can have better lives.


Red poppies sprout and bloom,

Just imagine all the gloom.


Thank you soldiers for risking your lives,

Your work has been so divine.


How we will ever repay you,

For all the good deeds you do?


We appreciate all the pain,

Those precious memories will always remain.
