Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Lionel Primary School

Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.


Happy New Year 2025!


Welcome back to the Spring Term.

Prospective Reception Parents' Information


Reception Curriculum Information

Apple, Orange and Cherry Classes 2024-25


Members of Staff:

Apple Class

                                      Mrs Hicks (EYFS Lead)         Miss Williams


Cherry Class

Miss Caven                           Mrs Khan 



Orange Class

Mrs Fourie                      Mrs Brown



Reception Cover Teacher

Mr O’Brien

General Information


Daily Routine

We operate a 'soft start' to school in the morning, which means that you can drop your child off at their classroom door any time between 8.50am and 9.00am.  Teachers or teaching assistants will meet the children at the door from 8.50am where they will say goodbye to their parents or carers, and hang up their own coats and bags in the cloakroom. We will only bring a few children into the cloakroom at a time to avoid overcrowding. Parents must stay and supervise their children outside until greeted by staff. We thank you for your patience in the mornings whilst we get everybody in happily and safely.


The register is taken at 9.00am promptly and the gate to the Reception garden will be locked at this time.  We begin our learning straight away at 9.00am so please ensure that you arrive before this time.  If the children are late they miss vital information and learning time. If the gate is closed, please take them to the school office to be signed in. We are unable to open the gate after this time.


School finishes at 3.30pm.  Please wait in the Reception garden outside your child’s classroom door to collect your child.  We thank you in advance for your patience at this time to make sure that each child is collected safely.


What your child needs

Each day, please send your child in with a named water bottle (no fizzy drinks), a named bag to keep their belongings in on their peg and a named waterproof coat so that they can access our outdoor learning area whatever the weather. 

Please also send in a spare set of clothes (underwear, tights, socks, trousers, leggings etc) in your child’s school bag each day in case of any accidents.


Please make sure that ALL of their uniform and belongings are clearly labelled so that we can reunite lost items with their owners!


Children will be provided with fresh fruit and milk during the afternoon snack time. Should you wish to, you may send in a small, healthy snack for your child to enjoy such as a piece of fruit, a cereal bar or a few small rice cakes (no nuts, chocolate or sweets please).


Curriculum Information:

In Reception, we follow a child-led curriculum. Each half term is planned around a theme which we then adapt based on the children’s needs and interests.  This half term’s theme is ‘Magical Me’ and we will spend time getting to know each other. The children have a chance to talk about themselves and their families. Each week there will be a different focus including ‘Who lives in our House?’, ‘What are the different parts of our body called?’, ‘People who help us’, ‘What do we use our senses for?’ and ‘Healthy Eating’. 


Please could you send in a photo of your family so that your child can share it with their class in their first few days at school.  This can be a hard copy, uploaded to Tapestry, or emailed to


In Phonics in Reception, we follow Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc Programme.  In class the children will learn new sounds daily and will begin to learn to blend these sounds to make words.


In Maths in Reception, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme.   This scheme fosters a mastery of basic maths skills during the early years phase to build the important initial building blocks of maths knowledge and skills.  


Other Key Information:

Reception Curriculum Meeting for Parents – This will be held on Thursday, 10th October at 9.05am in the Junior Hall.


Tapestry  – Please ensure that you have activated your child’s Tapestry account.  This is your child’s online learning journey and we will be adding photos, videos and observations of what your child has been learning at school, as well as lots of other important information.  An activation email has been sent to your email address.  This often goes to junk email inboxes so please check there.  If you have any issues with activating your account then email us at and we can help you.


PE kits will not be required until January 2025. The children do not get changed for PE lessons during the Autumn term.


Reading books will be issued to your child and sent home at the end of this half term. Further information about this will be shared with you during the Reception Curriculum meeting.


Cooking money – In Reception, the children regularly take part in cooking and creating activities. We ask parents/carers for a donation of £2.00 per child each term to cover the cost of ingredients and other resources needed for these activities. Please could give the £2.00 to your child’s class teacher.


Discussions with your child’s teacher

We operate an open-door policy and are always available for a quick chat at the beginning and end of the day.  Please bear in mind that you may need to wait to speak to us at these times as we are busy greeting and dismissing the children.  If you would like a longer appointment, then please email us with any questions or queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our email address is:


Thank you in advance for all of your support, and we look forward to a fantastic year!


The Reception Team
