Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Lionel Primary School

Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.

Environmentally Friendly

Environmentally Friendly - April 2021


In April we asked the whole school - How can we make our school more Environmentally friendly?

The five options that were given were:


  1. Turn off lights & electrical items when we leave the room
  2. Recycle paper, cardboard and plastic in school
  3. Walking or cycling to school
  4. Having food compost bins in classes and the playground
  5. Setting up our school allotment


The results for each option was:


  1. Turn off lights & electrical items when we leave the room - 23%
  2. Recycle paper, cardboard and plastic in school - 17%
  3. Walking or cycling to school - 11%
  4. Having food compost bins in classes and the playground - 12%
  5. Setting up our school allotment - 36% (Winner)



As the majority of children voted for ''Setting up our school allotment'' Mrs McMorrow organised for a section of our school to be transformed into a beautiful and now thriving space for our school allotment.
