Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Lionel Primary School

Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.


We asked the children-


Does my school encourage me to respect people from other

backgrounds and to treat everyone equally?


The results were as follows:


82 % of children either agreed or strongly agreed with this


Some of the children said- 

  • "We all get treated equally by teachers," Beech Class.
  • "We think the school is very inclusive," Oak Class.
  • "As a school we are taught to be respectful to everybody, this is one of our school rules," Pine Class.
  • "We respect people's opinions," Poplar class.
  • "We have a lot of backgrounds in our school but we are all equal," Beech Class.
  • "One of our school rules is to be respectful" Spruce Class.
  • "We learn about all religions in RE and we treat them all with the same respect" Pine Class.
  • "Brain buddies and BEST club have taught us a lot about respecting each other's differences" Poplar Class.



