Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Lionel Primary School

Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.

SEN Information Report

SEND Information Report 


 Head Teacher: Mrs M. Hone

 SEN/D Governor: Mrs H. Betts

 SENDCo/ Head of the SL Centre: Miss C. Higgins


How does the school know if children need extra help?











At various times, many children require additional support for a set period of time to help meet their needs or improve their learning. The decision to do this is made by the school and is based on a variety of factors which may be based on:

  • Liaison with a pupil's previous setting/ school;
  • Observations by the class teacher and other members of staff;
  • Baseline assessments and termly internal assessment procedures, including observations;
  • Termly Pupil Progress tracking;
  • Conversations with staff following concerns raised;
  • Parent/ carer concerns;
  • Identification through involvement with outside agencies such as: NHS Therapists, Community Health, Social Services. 


What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?



Initially, discuss any concerns you have with your child's class teacher. Further advice and support can be obtained by making an appointment with the school SENDCo/ TiC SL Centre and/ or another member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).


How will school staff support my child’s learning?



















Attainment, progress and behaviour are monitored by the class teacher.

The SENDCo and SLT monitor individual pupil performance and track progress in

core subjects.

Where needs arise interventions are planned and are monitored for impact and  effectiveness.

Pupils identified as having needs will be put on the SEN/D register at SEN Support so that they can be monitored more carefully. This enables the school to access further support, where appropriate. Involvement by an external professional is discussed with parents/ carers prior to any referral being made.

At the end of each Key Stage (Year 2 & 6), most children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). These results are reported to the Local Authority (Hounslow) and to the Department for Education.  

Children at 'SEN Support' will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which will detail individualised targets along with strategies to achieve them.

The progress of children with an Education, Health & Care plan (EHCP) is formally  reviewed at an Annual/ Phase Transfer Review meeting alongside all adults involved with the child’s education.

The SENDCo/ TiC - SL Centre and/ or SLT will monitor the progress within any individual's work and in any group that they take part in.

Teacher/ parent consultation meetings are held for all children in the Autumn and  Spring terms.

Termly phone calls or face-to-face meetings are completed by class teachers to

parents/ carers of children on the SEN/D register to review and discuss their child's progress with their IEP targets. 

All parents/ carers will be informed on the the progress their child has made via the Annual School report. 


Who will explain to parents/ carers what is happening?


Class teachers will initially raise any concerns with parents/ carers. Your child's class teacher will give you details of the perceived need; what is planned in school and any additional help which can be provided at home.

Depending on the need/s a range of ways will be used to keep you informed, which may include:

  • Phone calls home;
  • Letters/ certificates/ reports sent home;
  • Additional meetings and discussions, as required, to review progress;
  • Reports from school and/or other professionals.


How will the curriculum be matched to a child’s needs?




Quality First Teaching (QFT), in every classroom, is the key to learning at school. A  broad, balanced and creative curriculum offers learning matched to each pupils’  ability.

Learning opportunities are designed so that they are accessible for all pupils in the  class. In some lessons, pupils are grouped with others that are working on similar  targets. The opportunity for mixed-ability learning is also provided. 

Additional adult support may be used in a variety of ways; small groups, 1-to-1  support within and outside of class or to support the class teacher to plan for or work with a pupil or pupils.

At times, children may need differentiated work and/ or different types of support. The support allocated will be dependent on the level of need across the school.



How will I know how my child is doing?








The class teacher/s, the SENDCo or another member of the Senior Leadership Team will endeavour to be available to discuss individual needs and where necessary an

appointment can be made at reception.

Each Year Group and SL Centre class' Curriculum Overview is updated each half-term and can be accessed via the school website (Children - Year Group Pages); these detail subject coverage; key information and when PE/ Games sessions take place.

Weekly homework tasks which may include: spellings, English, Maths/ number bonds/ times tables, etc. can be accessed via each child's class page on Google Classrooms (Pupil login details will be provided to each child by their class teacher)


How will the school support parents/ carers to help their child’s learning?


Curriculum evenings/workshop sessions are arranged, as appropriate, to assist parents/ carers in supporting their child’s learning.

Class pages on our school website have additional, recommended learning links.

Parents/ carers consultation evenings are held in both the Autumn and Summer terms; while the Annual School Report is sent out to all parents/ carers , via ParentMail, in the Summer term.

Children on the SEN/D register are supported by an IEP which is shared termly with parents/ carers.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will have an Annual/ Phase Transfer Review meeting every 12 months. 

Where outside agencies are/ or have been involved previously, additional advice (via reports, therapy programmes) is given which may include recommendations as to how the child can be supported at school and/ or at home.


What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?


At Lionel Primary School all staff share responsibility for the welfare and well-being of the pupils:

  • Our First Aid Team co-ordinate all matters relating to healthcare plans and medical needs including the administration of medicines.
  • All Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures are in place and the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms B. Kruczek; while the Safeguarding Deputies are: Mrs M. Hone, Mrs L. Gill and Mrs J. Joyce. 
  • Our Health & Safety Officer, Mrs S. McMillan, co-ordinates all aspects of Health & Safety including: audits, risk assessments, fire safety and procedures, etc.
  • Our Behaviour, Positive Handling and Anti-Bullying policies are published on the school website and followed by all teaching staff.
  • Our Mental Health Lead, Ms B. Kruczek, organises support for pupils who are identified as requiring additional support with their social/ emotional development; well-being interventions such as social skills, peer support and mentoring sessions may be available.
  • Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs), Miss A. Joseph and Ms T. Allnutt, deliver planned programs of support (for example, emotional awareness, social skills, friendship skills, self-esteem and anger management) to increase the emotional literacy skills of the pupils with whom they work. This is proactive not reactive work. 
  • Where behaviour is an issue pupils may be placed on report with specific targets set, by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The school may seek further support from our Behaviour Consultant, when deemed appropriate. 
  • Attendance levels are monitored closely (Target is 96%). First day contact calls are made by reception staff. 
  • The Attendance Officer, Mrs S. McMillan, will follow up those causing concern in line with Government and Hounslow's Local Authority guidance. 


What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?


The school works in liaison with Health and Advisory professionals from outside  agencies, these include:

  • Speech and Language Therapists and/ or Occupational Therapists via the NHS;
  • The SEN Specialist Support Team (SENSS) – Visual Impairment and Hard of Hearing/ Deaf Advisory Teachers; Advisory Teacher for those with Physical Disabilities;
  • Outreach ASD Advisory Teacher; 
  • Early Intervention Behaviour Consultant;
  • The Child Development Service; 
  • The Educational Psychology Service;
  • Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS); 
  • Childrens' Services.


    Parents/ carers are consulted before we refer a pupil to an outside agency. 


What training will the staff supporting children with SEN/D have?



Lionel Primary School has an on-going Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme. Weekly INSET is available to all teachers; and where appropriate, support staff, for example, Read Write Inc. (Phonics), Power of Reading, Maths, SEN/D, Purple Mash (IT) training. 

Individual staff members have undertaken additional training in various areas

of SEN/D (for example, ELSAs, SLCN, Autism Awareness, Sensory Circuits, Bucket Time, TEACCH Approach, Precision Teaching, Dyslexia, OT and Hearing Impairment strategies). 

The majority of our teaching staff have received 'Team Teach' Training (Positive  Behaviour Management Strategies). 

Most of our Teaching Assistants/ Learning Support Assistants (TA/ LSAs) are qualified First Aiders and several have had Epi-pen training.


How will children be included in activities outside of the classroom, including school trips?


When planning learning activities outside the classroom, like workshops and trips,

accessibility options are fully explored to ensure all pupils can be included.

A detailed risk assessment is prepared in line with Local Authority procedures for all off-site trips.

If necessary, additional arrangements are made for those pupils who require higher  levels of support and/or who have medical issues, which need to be catered for. 

The school has two, fully accessible minibuses which are used on the majority of trips. These are serviced and checked regularly.


How accessible is the school environment?



The school building is wheelchair accessible.

Disabled parking is available in the staff car park.

The main school building has appropriate disabled changing and toilet facilities. There are also disabled toilets in both the Early Years block and the Upper Junior (UKS2) block.

The Upper Junior (two-storey) block has lift access.

The school has an accessible evacuation plan in place.


How will the school prepare and support my child when they:

  • join the school?
  • transfer to a new school?



For new arrivals, we liaise with the previous setting/ school where possible to identify any additional need/s.

Transition arrangements are in place for each phase, to prepare pupils for change.  These may include: home visits for pupils joining Nursery and/ or Reception;  parents/ carers spending a morning with their child in class prior to starting Reception; classes meeting their new teaching staff at the end of the year or visiting a new school.

Year 6 pupils attend a transition day to their new secondary school during the Summer term. Where possible, secondary staff come to Lionel to meet the pupils.

Where necessary, additional transition arrangements are made to support the  successful transition of more vulnerable pupils in Year 6. These might include  additional visits to the secondary school; meetings between staff and parents/ carers and/ or transition work in a small group or 1-to-1 setting.

The SENDCo attends an annual transition meeting to hand over all relevant paperwork to SEN/D representatives from Hounslow secondary schools and to discuss any relevant issues/ information. 

Phone calls will be completed by Year 6 class teachers and/ or the SENDCo regarding pupils with additional needs who are transferring to secondary schools outside the Local Authority. 


How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?



The school budget received from the Local Authority includes monies for supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D).

The schools SEN/D budget is allocated for resources and training and is used to  support pupils at SEN Support and those with an EHCP.


The Head teacher decides on the budget for Special Educational Needs in consultation with the school governors; on the basis of the needs of the children currently in school.

The Head teacher, SENDCo and the other members of the Senior Leadership Team discuss:

  • pupils currently receiving extra support;
  • pupils identifying as needing extra support;
  • pupils identified as not making as much progress as expected;
  • what resources/ training and support is needed.


All resources/ training and support are reviewed regularly and changes are made as needed.

Where a pupil requires substantial, additional support and they meet the criteria set by the local authority (LA), the school will apply to the LA for additional funding to meet their needs, by requesting a statutory assessment, which may or may not result in an EHCP. 


How is the decision made about the type and how much support a child will receive?



Pupil need is identified via teacher observation, assessment outcomes and progress  tracking.

Initial support is provided through specific strategies carried out by the class teacher. This may include differentiated work, additional tuition in small groups or on a 1-to-1 basis. 

Intervention groups are arranged based on specifically identified needs; these may not be the same in every year group.

It is recognised that one pupil may need ongoing additional support throughout the  year and other pupils may only need it for a short time.

We endeavour to provide prompt and effective support for all pupils where needed.

EHCP’s detail the level and type of support a child requires which will be reviewed  annually with parents/ carers and other professionals, as required.

For a small number of pupils, who meet the criteria set by the LA, the school may

request that a statutory assessment be made to the LA. 



How are parents/ carers involved in the school, and how can they become involved?



Class teachers notify parents/ carers of ways they can help, for example, reading, assisting on swimming/ school trips or for special events.

Parents/ carers can volunteer to help to hear pupils read; this is arranged through

the English Co-ordinator (Mrs E Gómez).

Every parent/ carer automatically becomes a member of ‘Friends of Lionel’ our  Parent, Teacher Association (PTA). Termly newsletters contain details of upcoming  events, for example, Uniform Sales; Christmas & Summer Fairs; Year Group Discos

and these detail how parents/ carers can become involved. 


How does the school listen to pupil views?



During the course of an academic year, all pupils, within their classes, have the  opportunity to take on the role of 'Chair' or 'Note-taker' during regular School

Council meetings. As part of these sessions, all pupils discuss and feedback their

views', in pairs and/ or small groups, on a specific question and these are

collected and returned electronically, via the Smart School Council programme,

to Mrs K. Russell (School Council Lead). Prior to the next School Council class

discussion, the pupils see how the rest of the classes voted, the winning vote

and/ or overall response.  

Pupils take part in a range of surveys, related to their learning topics, school  environment and well-being. 

Pupils are encouraged to share their views in: weekly PSHE sessions; assemblies

and during circle time.

Each class has a Blue Box in which the pupils can leave a message. Teaching staff

will respond to each message on a one-to-one basis with the pupil or the issue will

be discussed as part of a small group and/ or whole class.

Pupil views are recorded on their End-of-Year Report. 

All pupils with an EHCP record their views on the 'All About Me' document which is then collated with other professional reports for the pupil's EHCP review  paperwork. 

Where appropriate, pupils are invited to attend meetings, for example, parents/  teachers consultation evenings; IEP reviews and Annual/ Phase Transfer reviews for

those with an EHCP.


How do Governors make sure pupils with additional needs are met?


The school has a designated Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities Governor,  Mrs H. Betts, who meets with the SENDCo on a termly basis. 

The Headteacher and SENDCo provide reports at Governing Body and Committee  meetings.

Governors visit the school regularly to meet with different Subject Co-ordinators  and, where appropriate, are invited to take part in lesson observations. 



How do pupils gain admission to Lionel Primary’s Speech and Language Centre?



The Speech and Language Centre is the Local Authority of Hounslow's primary resource based SLCN provision, with very specific entry criteria.

Please refer to the 'Speech & Language Centre' section on the Lionel Primary  School website, for more detailed information. 

Visits to the SL Centre can be arranged with the SENDCo/ TiC - SL Centre, Miss C. Higgins. Please contact the school office and leave a message or send an email to: 


Who can parents/ carers contact for further information, or to raise concerns?


In the first instance, if you think your child has and/or might have additional educational needs please see your child's class teacher/s.

Should parents/ carers require additional information after speaking with the class teacher/s they can contact the SENDCo/ TiC - SL Centre or another member of the Senior Leadership Team; an appointment time may need to be arranged with the school office. 

Hounslow Parent Partnership Service (PPS) is a free, independent and confidential  service that supports parents of children with additional needs.

See links above, for the:

  • Hounslow Families Services Directory
  • Hounslow Parent & Carer Forum

                                                                      Review Date : March 2024
