Lionel Primary School
Working together to provide an educational environment that inspires, challenges and nurtures each child.
Surge testing and increased vaccination continues in Hounslow to help tackle a new COVID-19 variant of concern.
We need everyone to play their part and to get PCR tested as soon as possible and to get vaccinated when they can.
Kelly O’Neill, Director of Public Health for Hounslow, has released a statement this afternoon, saying: “Following the national coverage of recently revised guidance we have met with national officials and confirmed there are no restrictions on travel in or out of Hounslow: There are no local lockdowns. In areas where the new COVID variant is spreading we are all working together to boost testing and vaccination and to support self-isolation. There are sensible public health precautions people can take as individuals in line with the sorts of advice we have all been following throughout the pandemic. We will keep sharing that and working with national officials to make sure people understand what they need to think about as they go about their daily lives.”
The statement from Kelly O’Neill followed a meeting with national officials. Earlier today Leader of Hounslow Council, Cllr Steve Curran, had issued a statement making clear his concerns about the nature and handling of the Government’s travel guidance. You can read a copy of his statement here:
We have been door-knocking again today in the Hounslow West area of the borough (staff are carrying appropriate I.D), delivering PCR tests and leaving letters with information and details of support for anyone who is not at home.
We will be expanding to other parts of the borough over the coming days and more details will be made available on an on-going basis.